The editorial of InformatiqueNews.fr is under the responsibility of Guy Hervier, an acknowledge editor on the news industry for IT and Telecom managers.
Guy Hervier ghervier (at) informatiquenews.fr
Guy Hervier observes and analyzes the IT industry for over 25 years. He created InfoDSI (under the title ITRmanager) in 2005, an online magazine about information technology for CIOs. Previously, Guy created Publimatique, a communications agency in business press, specializing in information technology, where he was the CEO. Guy was freelance for many specialized media (Le Monde Informatique, 01 Networks …), he was a consultant CMP France for the design and launch of Informatique Magazine. Guy made his debut as a journalist for 01 Informatique where he was deputy editor and began his career as a computer engineer at GFI Informatique IT services.
Guy was director of the Editions Eyrolles (Collection : Solutions d’entreprise), he is the author of several books (Les réseaux sociaux d’entreprise, Hermès-Lavoisier, 2011 ; Barack Obama, Un Noir à la Maison Blanche pour une nouvelle donne, Editions Le Manuscrit, 2008 ; Ce que développement durable veut dire (ouvrage collectif), Editions d’Organisation, 2003 ; Optimisez vos Achats : externalisation, e-procurement, places de marché, Editions d’Organisation, 2003 ; Le commerce électronique, vendre en ligne et optimiser ses achats, Editions d’Organisation, 2001) and has taught at ESC Lille and the University Paris VII. Guy publishes a blog on American politics (Maison Blanche, la nouvelle donne)..
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